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DESSERT| Uncle Tetsu's Japanese Cheesecakes- Ottawa

Uncle Tetsu's Japanese Cheesecakes are making waves in Ottawa, Canada, and for all the right reasons. These cakes are unique, delicious, and simply irresistible. They are perfect for any occasion, be it a birthday celebration, a tea party, or even just a casual sweet craving.   Uncle Tetsu's has a philosophy that is deeply rooted in traditional Japanese culture. They believe in creating products that are made with love and care, using high-quality ingredients that are carefully selected to deliver the best possible taste. This philosophy is clearly reflected in their Japanese cheesecakes, which are soft, fluffy, and utterly delightful.   These Japanese cheesecakes have a distinct texture that sets them apart from traditional cheesecakes. They are light and airy,...

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TRAVEL|Tokyo Japan- Nakano Broadway

When travelling in Japan- Tokyo, I have discover Nakano Broadway is a shopping center located in Tokyo, Japan that has been christened a "nerd paradise". It is a hub for otaku culture, where fans of anime, manga, video games, and all things geeky come together to celebrate their interests. One of the most interesting and unique attractions in Nakano Broadway is the gigantic 8 flavor ice cream Daily Chico.   The 8 flavor ice cream is exactly what it sounds like: a massive scoop of ice cream that combines eight distinct flavors. It's not just big in size, but also in flavor. Each scoop is approximately the size of your head, and is made up of eight different colored "stripes"...

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REVIEW| La Neige- Lip Sleeping Mask

Lip Sleeping Mask Intense Hydration with Vitamin C brand Laneige is an innovative, wonderful formula that is perfect for individuals who suffer from dry and chapped lips. The brand Laneige has become synonymous with skincare that is both effective and gentle, and their lip sleeping mask is no exception.One of the standout features of the Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask is its use of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen, which helps to keep the skin looking fresh and youthful. When applied to the lips, Vitamin C can help to repair any damage and keep the lips looking plump and hydrated. Additionally, vitamin C is a potent antioxidant, which helps to protect the skin from environmental...

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Why I wake up at 5 am in the morning?

Waking up at 5 am in the morning might sound insane to some people, but for me, it's a regular routine that I've been following for years. I believe that the early hours of the day are precious and offer a significant opportunity to set the tone for the entire day ahead. That's why I wake up at 5 am every morning to run, meditate, and start my day with some dedicated journaling.Running in the MorningRunning is an integral part of my morning routine. I've found that since I started running every morning before breakfast, my body and mind have both felt more refreshed, energized, and focused throughout the day. It may seem intimidating to jog in the morning, but...

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Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso

Girlboss is a memoir by Sophia Amoruso, the founder of the clothing brand Nasty Gal. The book has a tone that's both witty and inspiring, as it takes you along Sophia's journey from being a young misfit to a successful entrepreneur. Despite being a non-linear narrative, the book reads easily, and you get a sense of the author's personality that's both engaging and relatable.The book starts with Sophia's early days, where she struggled to fit in both in school and in her personal life. She turned to shoplifting, dumpster diving and couch surfing as a way to survive. Her trajectory changed when she stumbled upon selling vintage clothes through eBay and discovered that she could make a decent living through...

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